The Track
The hillclimb track and pit area.
Drivers are provided a laminated number at the start of the day and are required to secure the number to the car before their first run. There is a drivers briefing which explains the procedure, the track and gives pointers for first-timers. Drivers then line up in numerical order to take turns, one by one, on the track. On race day, each driver normally receives between three and five runs.
At the front of the line and prior to the start of a run, there is a short length of concrete where the drivers spin the car’s wheels (optional) in order to clean off dust and gravel and put some heat into the tyres. The car takes its place on the start line where a set of lights indicate when to go. The driver breaks a light beam at the Start and Finish lines in order to start and stop the digital timing equipment. Cars are timed to the nearest one-hundredth of a second (0.01 sec).