Member Guide
Logging in 
To login, click the Login button at the top right of the website.
Enter your email address as your login username. If you do not have a password set, click the link "Email me a code".
After about 30 seconds a login code will be sent to your email address.
IMPORTANT: Email me a code is the orange link as shown below. You need to click it!
If a password has been set for your account, you may either reset it (click Forgot Your Password) or login with a One-Time Code.
Edit your details
Click the down arrow at the top right of the screen with your name and select My Membership, and then the Membership tab.
Click and then the edit button at the bottom.
You can then update and save your member details.
Change your password
Click the down arrow at the top right of the screen with your name and select My Account.
Click Review and edit my details
Logins for family members
Click the down arrow at the top right of the screen with your name and select My Membership, and then the Membership tab.
Select the dropdown arrow next to your family members name
Confirm their email address is correct and edit if using the pencil icon if necessary.
To activate the separate login, set a username by pressing the + icon.
You may also wish to indicate their relationship to you.
(optional) Add another family member
You are welcome to add another family member to your family account
To do so, click and follow the instructions.
Install the mobile app
Head to the Mobile App page and follow the instructions to install the MemberJungle mobile app.
After installing the mobile app and logging in, you can add your membership card to your wallet.
Click on the My Cars icon and Add to Wallet