
How to start racing

Join the Club

  • You need to join our club ($55 a year), and enter an event ($95 for adults, single lap event)

    • If you are a member of another Motorsport Australia (MSA) affiliated club, you can pay $15 on the day.
    • The affiliated club cost is separate from the entry fee and only two events can be entered this way before you are required to join SDMA.

Get yourself licensed

  • You need an MSA Speed License. This can be purchased online through the MSA website.  Make sure you note down the assigned license number to complete a hillclimb entry form. SDMA runs ‘Speed Event’ Hillclimb at a ‘club’ level.

Protect yourself

  • You need the right protective gear. A helmet in good order with an approved safety rating – one of the following standards: AS/NZ 1698, FIA, Snell, SFI, BS or ECE.
  • Clothing must be from ankles to wrists. Flammable synthetic materials such as nylon are not acceptable. Long sleeves, long pants in a natural fibre (like cotton) and closed shoes. Fire retardant overalls are recommended. Refer to the MSA manual – Apparel for more information.
  • You will need a minimum 900g fire extinguisher mounted correctly to your car. Most people get the 1kg version on a metal bracket available from some auto stores. It must be less than 3 years old and mounted within reach of the driver, using a secondary metal bracket firmly attached to the vehicle by high tensile bolts/nuts (no self-tapping screws). The easiest way to do this is to use a secondary bracket to be attached it to one of the front seat mounts. These are available online or can be locally fabricated.

Prepare your car for racing

  • You need a car! Your daily drive is fine if you are starting out. If your car is road registered, these are most of the requirements. If your car is not road registered please contact us for full details.
    • Exhaust noise must not be more than 85db from 30m.
    • Battery location marked with blue triangle, tightly secured with a bracket and positive terminal covered.
    • Tow hooks on front and rear (if fitted from factory) or identify a suitable point for towing such as suspension or crossmember. The tow points must be marked with a red triangle (TOW sticker).
    • Road registerable tyres must have sufficient tread depth, unless slicks are being used.
    • In car cameras must be well secured with a secondary strap or cord.
    • Nothing can be loose in the vehicle, including engine bay/bonnet, cabin & boot).
    • Steering wheel & joints must have no excessive play.
    • Driver’s seat must be secure with no excessive play.
    • Front wheel bearings must have no excessive play.
    • Seat belts/harnesses in good order.
    • Brake pedal firm under pressure.
    • No obvious fluid/oil leaks.
    • Valve caps on tyres.

On race day

Arrive for your drive

  • You’ve got yourself and your car ready, you’ve entered online through our website and received confirmation of your entry number, now you are ready to go! Here are some tips for the day:
  • Plan to get there early with plenty of time to get ready and get through scrutineering if you are required to. People generally start arriving from 7am and racing starts at 9am.
  • After you drive in to the complex, find a spot in the pits and attach the race numbers (given to you at the gate) to your car.

Check you are legal

  • If you have been selected for scrutineering, at 8am drive over and join the line up to the shed (to the right of the start line). Make sure you bring your helmet.

Learn from the best

  • At approximately 8:30 there is a driving and track familiarisation presentation in the café if you are interested.
  • Drivers briefing (mandatory to attend) is held just before racing starts over the PA system, so keep your eyes and ears out. Waiting near the top of the pits should help you hear it better.

Enjoy yourself!

  • Racing starts at 9am! Keep a very close eye on the cars lining up and make sure you position yourself to get in line at the right time for your number or you could miss a run.